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MotoGP, Fast by Prosecco, Pernat: “Bagnaia and Bastianini, two dream-team riders”

VIDEO – “All’s well that ends well. Pecco brought home the world championship with Ducati. Italian rider, Italian motorcycle. That hasn’t happened in almost 50 years. Honor to Quartararo. In 2023, we’ll also have fun with Marquez.”

MotoGP, Fast by Prosecco, Pernat: “Bagnaia and Bastianini, two dream-team riders”

The scent of Prosecco on the podium is still fresh, while our Carletto Pernat comments the last Grand Prix of the season, which gave the title to Pecco Bagnaia and Ducati. A milestone Borgo Panigale had been expecting for over 15 years, achieved on the day of Suzuki’s swan song, as it won with Rins, then said goodbye to the MotoGP. As usual, Carletto comments the Grand Prix, with a glass of Prosecco DOC. 

All’s well that ends well! There was a bit of pathos for this world championship because, when you reach the end and you’re fighting for such an important title, with an Italian rider on an Italian bike, which hasn’t happened for almost fifty years after Giacomo Agostini, a rider will obviously have a bit of pathos, and there was a lot of it over the weekend. But, in the end, Quartararo, who knew what he wanted, didn’t succeed in winning. And, even if he had won, Pecco would probably still have come far enough to win the world championship. I’d say that everything had already been decided in mid Grand Prix. A world championship that was deserved by Ducati and also Bagnaia, who won more Grand Prixs than anyone. When one wins seven races, the world championship is more than deserved. 

Along with that, Ducati also put Bastianini on the third step of the podium, and I think this is a starting point for him. Being third on a private team isn’t easy with a non official bike. It’s been a good season. I’d say that the two Bs will be getting together now, and let’s see what happens. Certainly, both are very strong with different characteristics. Probably a more consistent, more pragmatic Bagnaia who’s knowledgeable about the Ducati and this Ducati needs to be ridden. It’s a great team. We still can’t call it a dream team because that would be too much. 

Honor to Quartararo, although I frankly would’ve expected much more in mid-season, when he had more than ninety points ahead of Bagnaia. So, let’s say that the world championship was won by Bagnaia by fifty percent, while the other fifty percent is thanks to the bike, which was the best. Quartararo lost fifty percent to Yamaha, and then he had some problems. When you have an advantage of so many points, you can manage the world championship in another way. But he’s a bit of a repeat offender because, if you remember last year, he won the world championship in the last five or six race. He’s felt the pressure in the past, so maybe this is the limit of a rider who, in my opinion, is even more talented than others. We’ll see what happens next year with the new Yamaha, constructed by a new engineer. We’ll see during the tests performed the next few days. A nice awakening for KTM, even if it’s a bit too late. The usual Martín, who always does fast laps, but then he never manages to win the race. There’s obviously a reason. To do those fast laps, he rides in a way he can’t when he’s racing, so it wasn’t the best conclusion. It wasn’t a good race for Jorge. Yamaha bet on Quartararo. The rest is best forgotten. We’ll be waiting for KTM next year. Ducati is a squadron.

On a positive note, there were a lot of people in the stands. All sold out. A real show. I think with these characters and with Marquez’s return, we’ll have an incredible show. Marquez can’t rejoice and carry his cross. He’s got physical problems, and a motorcycle to fix. But he’s hard headed. An ace. So, he’ll be in the game next year.



Translated by Leila Myftija

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