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MotoGP, IMAGES Near drama: Marquez's Honda mows down Zarco during FP2

Towards the end of FP2, Marquez lost control of the Honda at turn 1. Borsoi: 'I was sorry to see Marc not go to check on Johann's condition'

MotoGP: IMAGES Near drama: Marquez's Honda mows down Zarco during FP2

The difficulties at Honda continue, after Nakagami's crash in FP1, and other episodes in which Marquez had managed to keep the bike under control, the crash eventually came anyway. The Frenchman of the Pramac team had to pay the price, as he was hit hard coming out of Turn 1 by Marc's Honda. Fortunately Zarco saw it coming and raised his right leg, avoiding the worst. In the end both riders were unhurt. Uninjured, however, was Zarco's Ducati, which was almost broken in half.

Gino Borsoi, Pramac team manager, commented harshly on the incident: 'Fortunately Zarco is OK, apart from some pain in his lower back. Unfortunately he was in the wrong place at the wrong time, and these are accidents that can happen. What I didn't like, and what I would have expected from a champion like Marquez, was to see him running to the pits to get the bike rather than checking on Johann's condition. I am saddened by that kind of behaviour, even now that we are really close to each other in the pits he didn't come to apologise, I didn't expect that.

In fact Marc glanced at Johann and seeing him move ran forward waving his arms to warn his colleagues to slow down.

Below are the pictures of the incident:

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