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MotoGP, Salucci: "Bezzecchi will decide on Wednesday whether to leave for Indonesia"

"It will be his decision, the doctors told us it wouldn't be crazy. We had really thought hard about the training, there wasn't even the usual race. Marini is better, I hope he's not in too much pain"

MotoGP: Salucci:

“How unfortunate! It's a real shame” are the first words Alessio Salucci says as soon as he answers the phone. In the space of a couple of weeks both of his riders ended up in surgery, both due to a broken collarbone: Marini was injured in the sprint race in India, Marco last Saturday at the Ranch.

“We had really thought hard about the training, there wasn't even the usual race at the end of the day - Uccio tells us - We have experience in certain things, so the riders were only there to train their breathing and concentration before leaving for the triple-header”.

In motorcycle racing, risks can be reduced, but never eliminated completely and riders must go on the motorbike to train. A simple crash can have serious consequences and that's what happened to Marco.

“We managed to do an excellent job together with Carlo (Casabianca, the athletic trainer of VR46, ed.) and Doctor Porcelli and Bez was operated on Sunday morning at 10 in Modena - continues Uccio - The procedure went well: they fixed the collarbone with a plate, luckily the fracture was a compound one."

In amongst all the misfortune everything went well, but the GP in Indonesia will start in a handful of days. At this point the question is whether Bezzecchi will be able to be in Mandalika to try to race. “Today Marco did 10 hours of physiotherapy, he will do the same tomorrow and again the day after, then on Wednesday evening he will decide. It will be his decision” was the response of the director of the VR46 team.

The team won't push Bezzecchi to be there at all costs, but they won't stop him from doing so either. “It can be done, I have already spoken to the FIM doctors, they will wait for him in Indonesia to visit him and decide whether or not he will be able to race - underlines Uccio - We will see what will happen, it will be his decision and in any case the doctors told us that it would not be madness".

Marini on the other hand will certainly be in Mandalika. “We will leave together tomorrow and for Luca it should be a normal trip. Let's hope he suffers as little pain as possible, he's fine now. He didn't ride a motorbike, but did strength tests and trained in the gym. We have one rider who is three-quarters fit and the other at a quarter: let's make one with two" Salucci played down the situation with a joke.

His disappointment is plain to see: “I'm so disappointed, we didn't deserve it. We could finish 3rd in the championship with Bez and we also have to defend 2nd place in the team standings, these are things that change the season."



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