Il web saluta Marco Simoncelli

Piloti e team hanno ricordato il Sic con immagini e parole

Sono tanti le squadre e i piloti, non solo del motomondiale, ma anche della Superbike, del cross, della Formula 1, ad avere affidato al web i propri pensieri per la perdita di Marco Simoncelli. Una enorme comunità virtuale che si è stretta intorno alla famiglia del Sic, trasmettendo il proprio affetto e la propria sofferenza.

Di seguito riportiamo i messaggi affidati alla rete, con la speranza che raggiungano Marco, ovunque lui sia ora.

John Hopkins: God Speed #58 Simoncelli .... Your fighting spirit will live on forever !!!

Bradley Smith: Speechless to the news of Marco #58. Such a sad moment..... R.I.P

Jorge Lorenzo: Que mierda.

Toni Cairoli: Non e possibile !!! Non ci sono parole! RIP SIC 58!

HondaYamaha MotoGp: Rest In Peace Sic....our thoughts are with your family and team..a tragedy...

Carl Fogarty: Devastated to hear that marco simoncelli has died..the guy was a breath of fresh air in moto gp.. Can't believe it.

Leon Haslam: What terrible news. R.I.P. MARCO my thoughts to all his family and friends...

Troy Bayliss: R.I.P Marco.

DucatiRamon Forcada: Impotencia total. El precio a pagar a veces es desproporcionado.

Wayne Gardner: Stunned. Devastated. Huge huge loss for MotoGP and the world

Scott Redding: No no no no marco NO I do t want to believe it !!!!! R.I.P much love to you

Cal Crutchlow:  RIP Marco Simoncelli ! A great rider and all round nice guy. My thoughts are with all his family & friends. I will never forget today … #58

Ducati: Ciao, Marco, da Ducati tutta. / Bye, Marco, from everyone at Ducati.

LCR: A great tragedy hits MotoGP world today, we have lost a friend Marco Simoncelli. We cry a friend.

Repsol: It is a very sad day for the motorbike family. We at Repsol join all in feeling the sadness of this terrible loss. RIP Marco Simoncelli.

Marco Melandri: Buon viaggio Marco. Le parole non spiegheranno mai la sofferenza

Paul Denning: #58 - a funny, lovely, genuine guy with massive spirit. No words to describe how smashed everyone feels. Such a tragedy. Go well, Marco...

YamahaPablo Nieto: Joder aun no me lo puedo creer!! Es muy injusto Marco tenia toda la vida xdelante! Acabo de hablar con mi padre y esta todo el mundo fatal!!

DannyWebb: R.I.P marco such a sad situation! What a fantastic rider he was!

Maverick Vinales: Forza Sic!!..:(

SuzuliChaz Davies:  RIP Marco. Our sport has lost a great rider and all round great guy. My thoughts are with his family.

Timo Glock: What a horrible week after Dan Wheldon now Marco Simoncelli in Moto GP.! My thoughts are with his family and friends! RIP

Williams F1: Thoughts with Marco Simoncelli's family&friends today after the Moto GP rider succumbed to his injuries after terrible crash this morning.

Héctor Faubel:  No se k decir la verdad! Xo esto es muy muy fuerte!! Ufff! No tengo palabras... Solo lagrimas... ? super sic un grande y valiente chico

Julián Simón: Mi apoyo total en este momento para familia, amigos, Team gresini que vuelve a revivir el sufrimiento de perder a un piloto y a todo motogp

LCRFonsi Nieto:  Hoy es uno de los peores dias de mi vida.... No es justo que pasen estas cosas de verdad!!!! No es justo!!!!!

Nicky Hayden: Sometimes life just don't make sense... RIP #58 your were a star on & off track we all going to miss you.

Alex Hofmann:  What a loss !!! I am thankful for every moment we shared & all those times u made me laugh ... R.I.P Marco Simoncelli

PramacJorge Lorenzo: No se que decir de un dia asi... Solo se que te echaremos de menos. Descansa en paz Marco.

Aleix Espargaró:  Es increíble, como cambia la vida en unos segundos.. Siempre te recordaremos Simoncelli 58. Es duro, muy duro, te replanteas muchas cosas...

Kenny Noyes:  Terrible, such a great rider and person. I can't believe it.

Sergio Gadea: 58 4ever!!! No entiendo xq la vida es tan injusta!!! Nunca te olvidaremos

Jonathan Rea:  Rest in peace Marco Simoncelli! A true inspiration, amazing rider and gentleman! Your legacy will never be forgotten!

Team Pramac: CIAO MARCO Sarai sempre nei nostri cuori

Alex Crivillé: Adiós, 'SuperPippo'

Ben Spies:  Super Sic rest easy.....

Tech 3Hector Barbera:  Sin palabras.Lo q diga poco es... Destrozado!Mucha fuerza a su familia amigos y equipo...Lo llevaremos con nosotros siempre...Es injusto

Robertino Pietri: Dia muy triste para la familia del mundo a motor ,Adios Marco , SUPER SIC#58, no tengo palabras,estaras siempre en nuestro corazon

Ducati North AmericaAndrea Dovizioso: RIP Marco. I miei pensieri e le mie preghiere sono rivolti alla famiglia e agli amici di Marco.

Davide Brivio: Non è giusto però.. Ma com'è possibile e poi perché? Non abbiamo parole... ci sono rischi in questo sport però qui una serie di coincidenze

Jason Button: R.I.P Marco... Such an exciting talent lost. My thoughts are with his family, friends and everyone involved in MotoGP.

Alvaro Bautista: Arce  Sin palabras...DEP #58

Uccio Salucci: Non ho parole per esprimere il mio stato d'animo in questo momento.Purtroppo il nostro sport a volte e' bastardo,un saluto al Sic.

Luca Scassa: Ciao Marco :(

Pablo Nieto: All the best for simoncelli family! We never forget you sic 58

Team GresiniAlvaro Bautista: SIC era 1grandisimo piloto y tod@s le echaremos d menos.Mucho animo a su familia y amigos #58

Eugene Laverty: Devastated to hear of the death of Marco Simoncelli, one of the best of our generation. Thoughts go out to his family. RIP Marco

FTR: shocked and saddened at the premeture departure of Marco, such a bright talent and huge personality, all our thoughts are with his family.

Lewis Hamilton: RIP #MarcoSimoncelli. My thoughts are with his family, friends and team at this extremely sad time. Another tragic loss at such an early age

Joan Olivé: Hoy es un día muy triste,tuve la suerte de compartir equipo con el en 2005,era un gran piloto y muy buena persona.Ánimos para la familia!#58

Ben Bostrom: Quality vs Quantity in life. We could all learn a lesson here. Live w/the passion Simo raced. Never know when your # is pulled. Ciao Sic



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