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Zanardi’s condition remains serious after the operation

Alex has undergone neurosurgery. Valentini, Italian National Paracycling coach: "No mistake by the truck driver"

Auto - News: Zanardi’s condition remains serious after the operation

Mario Valentini, technical commissioner of the national Paracycling team, has been speaking to Radio Capital about the accident in which Alex Zanardi was involved.

"It took twenty minutes from the accident to the rescue, but it took a long time to put him in the ambulance, his wife assisted him. But after the accident he spoke. I don't know about the ambulance - his words - There was a long straight, downhill, a 4% slope, they say he got all out of shape and hit the front of a truck. The transporter truck moved one metre but he hit it all the same. I wasn't there, I was some distance away. It was a sunny day, we were all happy, 20 km from Montalcino. The driver of the truck did not make a mistake, Alex made a mistake, getting out of shape. "

"On the way up I showed him my orange drink, he yelled at me a little! He was joking, and going slowly downhill, it was not a big descent, and then there was the straight, going into the curve he changed trajectory - continued Valentini - And he made a risky manoeuver. He hit the upright where the drivers climb into the cab with the pedal lever of the left crank, he spun two or three times, the helmet did not stand up to the impact, it flew off. It took time to get the helicopter to arrive, we are in the middle of a forest and they had to move it. "

Alessandro Cresti, a young Paralympic cyclist followed by Zanardi, said that Alex was still breathing when he was moved on board the helicopter.

Zanardi is hospitalized at the polyclinic Santa Maria alle Scotte, and the neurosurgical intervention been completed. "He is in an extremely serious condition. As his condition develops, we will provide every possible update," said Francesco Giovanni Boca, director of the emergency room.


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