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First night at Casa Marco Simoncelli. Paolo: "we did it!"

The first night in the center for the disabled born thanks to the Foundation dedicated to the champion from Coriano

News: First night at Casa Marco Simoncelli. Paolo:

It is called Casa Marco Simoncelli, is in Coriano and was born thanks to the Foundation dedicated to Sic. The structure was created to help disabled children as a day center now will remain open at night.

This important milestone is told by Paolo Simoncelli, who wrote this letter in his own handwriting.

21st of June 2020, 7:30 p.m., I was walking home on the same road as always through the Coriano's hills and while I was amazed by the spectacular view, something kept my attention. Driving across "Casa Marco Simoncelli", the day-time centre we built in those last years, I could spot a light switched on inside the house, Ciccio (a guy of the community of Montetauro) who already saw me coming (he always notice everything), was waving his arms to say hi, and that's made me feel that what I was dreaming of finally become reality.

Yes, the guys of Montetauro together with Letizia, who take care of them 24h, were going to spend their first night in the new house. I stopped and Ciccio gave me the longest hug ever. As I entered the house waving the other guys, Rollo smiled at me (the sweetest boy affected by the sindrome of down, who loves to draw donut warmer) and while hugging me tight he exclaimed: "We did it!". And for me it was the biggest emotion.


And while I was going back to the car with my wife Rossella, I thought about everyone who believed in us, in this huge project in the name of Marco. I'm happy and proud of what we did, and you all should feel the same as you've helped us to make it possible.

It is late night when I received this message from Letizia: "What an amazing view.... what a wonderful present!! The kids are so happy... I don't think they'll fall asleep easily tonight!!"
Thank you to all of you!!
Paolo Simoncelli

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